K-Feldspar and Plagioclase Feldspar

Feldspars have two cleavage planes that intersect at 90°. Fragments of pure feldspar crystals thus tend to form rectangular blocks with irregular ends.


The feldspar group is a fairly large group with nearly 20 members recognized, but only nine are well known and common. Those few, however, make up the greatest ...

feldspar - TheImage HomePage

The feldspars are made up of three fundamental members and a wide number of chemical mixtures. ... Photos & Locals: 1.) Orthoclase, Goodsprings, Nevada 2.)

feldspar images - ycfinc

Plagioclase: The mineral Plagioclase information and … Detailed description, properties, locality information guide about the plagioclase feldspar mineral group ...

Feldspar - Wikipedia

In October 2012, the Mars Curiosity rover analyzed a rock that turned out to have a high feldspar content. Images. Specimen of rare plumbian (lead-rich) feldspar.

Feldspar | Britannica

Figure 42: Granitic rock consisting of reddish orange feldspar, nearly white quartz, and green epidote that appears to have...

Feldspar - USGS.gov

Mineral: Feldspar Primary Commodity: Feldspar Primary Commodity Uses: Feldspar is one of the most common minerals on the planet …

Gallery of Feldspars - ThoughtCo

Feldspars are a group of closely related minerals that together make up the majority of the Earth's crust. All of them have a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale, so any ...


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